Young Adult Male Sober Living

Chapter House specializes in young adult male population providing structure and life skills necessary to be successful in life in the long term. We use a wide variety of recovery curriculum for our residents including finance, nutrition, physical wellness, time management as well as career and college preparation and coaching. Skills that most young adult men need especially when they are 18 years old to 25 years old. Along with life development we have an excellent clinical program facilitated by Chapter House Counseling which in includes group, individual and psychiatric involvement. This allows men coming out of primary treatment to continue the important therapeutic work started by the treatment center and allows for a smoother transition into life and all its offerings while maintaining recovery successfully.

Benefits of Choosing Our Young Adult Sober Living Home

Some of the benefits for choosing our young adult sober living house located in Dallas, TX includes the staff. We are made up of persons who have been in recovery from a young age achieving sobriety for most of us between the ages of 21 – 25 years old. This allows us to empathizes and know first-hand the challenges of being young in recovery. Because of the first benefit it gives way to one of the other benefits of choosing our sober living. The life development programming that we have at Chapter House. This curriculum is centered on the challenges of early sobriety and tools needed to overcome them as they occur in life. We prepare young men for those challenges but more importantly walk through it with them as they happen. Another significant difference is that we are small with only 12 spots available at our sober living home this makes the attention to each young adult man coming to our house plentiful. One of the final benefits we will mention is that we understand the importance of having fun in recovery. Being sober doesn’t have to be boring – we have a full stocked game room and swimming pool and conduct off site activities including professional sporting events, adventure outings, and community service commitments to name a few. We aren’t a glum lot! (pg. 132, AA)

contact us

Administrative Office Location:
1771 International Pkwy Ste 129
Richardson, Texas 75081