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About Us

Empowering recovery through personalized care, fostering the journey from vulnerability to vitality, with compassion, structure, and specialized support at every step

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Transforming Lives with Compassionate Care

At Chapter House, we are dedicated to rewriting the narrative of recovery. Founded on a bedrock of compassion and innovative care strategies, our program stands as a beacon of hope for young men embarking on their recovery journey. We believe that effective recovery from addiction requires more than just good intentions; it requires a holistic and personalized approach that addresses not just the physical aspects of dependency, but the emotional and psychological facets as well.

Our Unique Approach: Landing, Launching, Living

Our innovative program, structured around the "Landing, Launching, Living" framework, is designed to support our residents through every phase of their recovery. We provide a continuum of care that begins with intensive support and gradually transitions to fostering independence, equipping our residents with the tools they need to succeed in long-term sobriety.

  1. Landing: This initial phase focuses on stabilizing new residents, integrating them into our community, and beginning intensive therapeutic interventions.
  2. Launching: As residents progress, this phase emphasizes skill development, vocational training, and educational pursuits, crucial for successful reintegration into society.
  3. Living: The final phase prepares residents for independent living with ongoing support, ensuring they are ready to lead fulfilling and sober lives.

Comprehensive Clinical Support

The Chapter House Counseling Center, an integral part of our facility, offers advanced clinical services including individual therapy, group sessions, and family counseling, all conducted by our board-certified addiction psychiatrist and a team of specialized therapists. This holistic approach ensures that each resident receives personalized care tailored to their specific needs.

A Commitment to Education and Vocational Success

Recognizing the unique challenges faced by young men with a failure to launch, Chapter House places a strong emphasis on vocational training and educational achievement. Our full-time education and career coaches work closely with each resident to develop a clear and achievable career path, helping them build the confidence and skills needed to thrive in the professional world.

Health and Wellness Focus

At Chapter House, we understand that recovery involves the whole person. Our health and wellness program is designed to rejuvenate the body and mind, featuring personalized training and nutrition plans developed by top professionals in the field.

Community and Family Involvement

We believe recovery is a collaborative effort. That’s why we actively involve families in the recovery process and encourage community engagement through our extensive volunteer programs. This approach helps to create a supportive network that is vital for the success of our residents.

Privacy and Personal Attention

With a low staff-to-resident ratio and a commitment to privacy, each individual at Chapter House receives the attention they deserve in a confidential and respectful environment. Our staff is available around the clock, ensuring that help is always on hand when needed.

Transitioning to Independence

The ultimate goal of Chapter House is to provide a smooth transition for individuals moving from structured treatment environments to successful independent living. Our program is designed to bridge the gap effectively, supporting residents as they make this critical leap.

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Who We Are

Chapter House was created by Michael Smith and Heidi Voet. Michael and Heidi met while both working at a residential treatment center and were married in 2008. From the beginning of their relationship, they knew their combined mission as a couple was to use their unique gifts to help others recover. Through their experience both in working in a residential treatment setting as well as sober living environments, The Smith’s began to see a need for a different kind of sober living. After years of receiving feedback from affected family members and other professionals, it became clear that there was a gap in the continuum of care for a certain population of individuals. These individuals need more “hand holding” during the vulnerable transition of out of residential treatment. They need a significant amount of coaching. They need help finding a job. They need to continue with intensive therapy. They aren’t ready to just jump right back into the daily grind of life. This sparked the beginning of a vision for The Smiths to provide a sober living home that is monitored, structured, and includes intensive programming all while providing an advanced clinical outpatient component. Chapter House marks the creation of a shared dream for Michael and Heidi to help young adult men truly to learn to have freedom – in all areas of life.

Take the First Step Towards Recovery

Discover how Chapter House's comprehensive programs and supportive environment can help you or your loved one achieve lasting sobriety and personal growth

Get in touch

Reaching out is the first step towards recovery. Whether you have questions, need support, or are ready to start the journey, we're here to help. Contact us today, and let’s discuss how we can support you or your loved one's path to a healthier, sober life.

Postal address

Administrative Office Location

17771 International Pkwy - Suite 129

Richardson, TX 75081

Phone number
(888) 448-9696

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