Chapter House Heroin Addiction Recovery Hero

Heroin Addiction Recovery Program

Comprehensive and compassionate care for overcoming opioid addiction

The opioid epidemic is worse than ever and affecting young adults at alarming rates. Opioids were to blame for 42,249 deaths in 2016, which is five times higher than 1999. Young adults ages 18 to 25 are the biggest abusers of prescription opioid pain relievers, and research shows that in young adults, the addiction rate has increased sixfold between 2001 and 2016. Prescription opioid addiction often results in heroin addiction in 86% of young adults, due to heroin being cheaper and more accessible.

Heroin Abuse Signs and Symptoms in Young Adults

Recognizing the signs of heroin abuse in young adults is crucial for early intervention and treatment. Some common indicators include:

  1. —— Falling asleep at inappropriate times (nodding out)
  2. —— Weight loss
  3. —— Excessive sweating
  4. —— Constricted pupils
  5. —— Slurred speech
  6. —— Avoiding loved ones
  7. —— Decreased attention to personal hygiene
  8. —— Inability to fulfill responsibilities at work or school
  9. —— Increased sleeping
  10. —— Apathy and lack of motivation
  11. —— Constipation

What is “Dope Sickness”?

When someone refers to being “dope sick,” they are experiencing withdrawals from heroin. Symptoms of withdrawal can be severe and include:

  1. —— Intense craving for heroin
  2. —— Extreme sweating
  3. —— Nausea and vomiting
  4. —— Severe muscle aches and bone pain
  5. —— Runny nose and sneezing
  6. —— Diarrhea
  7. —— Insomnia
  8. —— Depression

Treatment for Heroin Addiction in Dallas

Heroin addiction is very difficult to recover from without intense support and treatment. It is essential when seeking treatment for heroin addiction that an individual be medically detoxed before entering a residential treatment center. Most residential treatment centers offer programs ranging from 30 to 90 days. However, research shows that better outcomes are associated with significantly longer stays in treatment. The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) advocates for a treatment approach that includes detox and residential treatment, followed by intensive aftercare involving supportive housing and intensive outpatient treatment.

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Empowering Lasting Change

Long-Term Opioid Recovery Program

Recovery from opioid abuse and addiction requires a multidisciplinary approach that starts with the individual’s willingness to change. While recovery is possible, it demands significant surrender, time, and an overhaul of one’s entire way of living. The ultimate goal is continuous sobriety and long-term recovery that lasts a lifetime.

The Chapter House Approach

Chapter House specializes in working with young adult men in early recovery from heroin and opioid addiction. Through their long-term transitional living program, Chapter House provides an ideal environment for men to have the time they need to solidify a strong foundation in recovery.

The philosophy behind Chapter House is rooted in the belief that young men need TIME and immense support while practicing the principles of a recovered lifestyle. This can be a challenging process, as many of the residents are “tough nuts to crack” for various reasons. Chapter House welcomes this resistance and works with each individual in their emotional, spiritual, and physical space at that time. Many residents have had failed attempts at sobriety and have not succeeded in short-term treatment programs or traditional sober living environments. Chapter House dives into personal relationships with each resident to identify their areas of vulnerability, redirect them when necessary, and celebrate every success along the way.

By offering a supportive, structured, and compassionate environment, Chapter House empowers young men to overcome heroin addiction and build a fulfilling, sober life.

Take the First Step Towards Recovery

Discover how Chapter House's comprehensive programs and supportive environment can help you or your loved one achieve lasting sobriety and personal growth

Get in touch

Reaching out is the first step towards recovery. Whether you have questions, need support, or are ready to start the journey, we're here to help. Contact us today, and let’s discuss how we can support you or your loved one's path to a healthier, sober life.

Postal address

Administrative Office Location

17771 International Pkwy - Suite 129

Richardson, TX 75081

Phone number
(888) 448-9696

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